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Victory Today

Aug 31, 2020

Pastor gives a report on so of the great calls he has gotten in the last few days from young people gloriously saved through the ministry. He also tells a heartbreaking story of a mom who lost her son to suicide that simply did not have to happen. We have THE answer for a hurting, dying world and we must tell them!

Aug 30, 2020

If all else fails go back and read the directions. Most Christians are missing the real reason behind the wickedness of the day and what Satan's ultimate goal is. Today's program explains what many Christians need to know before it is too late!

Aug 27, 2020

Pastor answers your questions about Operation Mercy, the Falwell scandal and where his loyalties are: to a party---NO. To God-Country and children! Plus more.

Aug 26, 2020

Pastor shares three outstanding miracles we have received in just the last three days. He tackles an issue many people face---that they just don't deserve a miracle. The whole feeling of unworthiness keeps many from ever seeing the power of God really fall on their life.

Aug 25, 2020

We all fail Him and come up short but praise His name He forgives and forgets! His mercies are renewed every morning and like a good parent He loves us and doesn't toss us aside when we disappoint Him. You are NOT a failure because you fail---you are only a failure when you quit! Keep on keeping on and keep looking up!