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Victory Today

Aug 31, 2023

Why I won't join the parade of people makking an issue of Joe Biden's age! Its not his age or gaffes that bother me its his policies, lies, corrupt, etc. Why isn't the U.S. or Canada mentioned in the book of Revelation? If Trump isn't the nominee who do you favor? Info about hurricane Idelia! Don't forget Maui.

Aug 30, 2023

Lets take a look at the life of the Apostle Paul and how he never got over the fact that Jesus could save someone like him. The songwriter said, "I stand amazed in the precense of Jesus the Nazarine how He could save a sinner like me unclean." Part of stepping up our Christian character is never getting over the fact He...

Aug 28, 2023

The Apostle Paul likens our spiritual journey ofter to a sporting event, a race if you will. He challenges us to "grow" and press forward reaching new heights. He also says that he forgot those things which were behib=nd. Partner, if Paul, as wicked as he once was could forget his past---you can too! God has great...

Aug 27, 2023

You are either going forward in your Christian life or backwards but you are never standing still. Today is either the best day in your spiritual journey are you've gone backwards! We are going to explore how to move forward in your Christian walk no matter how long you have known Christ.