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Victory Today

Jan 31, 2021

The real answer for all the current lies and mis-information and opinions of man today---its the Word of God and it has a wonderful way NOT to be afraid or worried about all the wickedness of today! God is in control and He is always working "behind the scenes" to accomplish His will!

Jan 28, 2021

Attempts of the cancel culture of late include increased death threats and hacking! BUT GOD! You hear "follow the science" so why are so many people hesitant to believe the Bible and why aren't our schools and restaurants open---"science" says the chance of getting Covid-19 are less than going to Walmart, etc.?

Jan 27, 2021


The world may be in a mess---BUT JESUS ISN'T! He's the same yesterday, today and forever and our job is the keep on keeping on till He comes! In the meantime, keep trusting---He has yet to fail to keep His first promise!

Jan 26, 2021

Though the times may be challenging---the showdown of the Almighty is still a very present, available help in our time of need. Find it---get in it and work on your relationship with Him. He loves you and He will see you through!

Jan 25, 2021

You are a composite of the 5 people you hang around the most. Today we will talk about deciding what you believe and standing for it! Also,guarding who is influencing your thoughts and life in general!